Glad tidings fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. This blog was created because we want to get messages across to the youth of this generation, particularly to those who are in Grace Assembly, Klang. It has been my burden to share this with you and I hope it will encourage every one of you to rise up to meet your destiny.
The youth is a mighty army; they are strong, enthusiastic and passionate. Once they have set their minds on something, no one can stop them from doing what they want. If people want to get in their way, the youth will put up a strong fight of resistance. Many evil men of the past have acknowledged the power of the youth and they have taken advantage of them. Evil dictators tapped into the minds of the youth and influenced them, causing many youth to be brainwashed to join in their evil conquest. Children age 10 – 15 were once trained to hold a rifle and go on a shooting spree, killing even their own parents. I have seen documentaries of guerillas that used young people to fight for them. One scene I remembered was a young boy forced to shoot his father. His father was tied up and placed in front of him, and the boy was encouraged to shoot him in the head. After much hesitation, he fired.
I also do know of how the youth can come together for a good cause to make the world a better place. Many young people today have the heart to help their fellow brothers and sisters regardless of age, race, creed or religion. They would lay down their lives for a good cause.
There are two extremes a youth can choose to go to. As many as those who chose to take the wrong path, so many are those who chose to take the right path. I want to bring to your attention this one thing – the youth are unstoppable!
As young as you are, you have the strength to do great and mighty things. As young as you are, you have the power to choose life and to choose right. You have the passion to fuel your cause and you have the zeal to push you forward till you see victory! Once you get your minds on doing that one thing – no one dares to stop you.
David in his youth was brought up to be a strong shepherd boy. He was obedient to his father and to his job. He looked after the sheep day and night. He was so strong to even kill bears to save his beloved sheep. He was dedicated to his job and he was also in a strong relationship with God.
Samuel could hear the voice of God at the young age of twelve. God chose to speak to Samuel directly and not through his father who was a priest. Samuel grew up in God’s cause and anointed David as king, continuing the lineage that one day lead to the birth of Jesus.
Those of us who are in our teens now must no longer sleep anymore. The time is short and there is still a lot to be done. So far the world has been winning the battle in consuming our Christian youth today. Many Christian youth are no longer having the passion for God as the youth of 20 years ago. There are too many distractions and entertainment in the world today and they are luring away the Christian youth from God.
Face this fact: Christian youth today no longer need God! (or so they think.)
Why do I say so? They are so self-sustaining and independent that they do not know what does God-dependent means. They are going to the wrong extreme. They are using their strength to do things that are not of eternal value. They are wasting their time gathering for themselves all the worldly knowledge and wisdom without giving a thought of attaining Godly values. All that is on their minds are wealth, fame and comfortable life. They do not care about the work of God anymore. This is the fact.
But all these can change. The youth can one day have their fire ignited again. All it needs is just a little spark. God could raise up a mighty army of young Christians but He need hearts that are fully committed to Him and to His Will. The world will one day be filled with young people who are all sold out to do God’s work. They will fill the streets with songs of praise towards God. They will be carrying Bibles to school and sharing the Gospel every opportunity they get. They will talk more about God rather than useless talks. They will spend their time reading the Bible and praying. This will and only will happen if YOU choose to make the difference. If no one will do it, then no one will. As simple as that. But if one of you choose to be radical for God, it will start a chain reaction and will fire up other youth as well.
Young people, it is time to be serious about your faith. Do not play with God anymore. We are no longer the youth of this world but they youth of our big God. Let us get down to serious business. What is your goal? What is your desire? What is your passion?
Let us rise up from our death bed. The Youth are Alive once more!
To God be the Glory!
2 Chronicles 16:9
For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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